Behaviour Intervention Study- Amuria District, Nov2021

Amuria Sweetpotato Intervention Study Nov 2021

A study conducted in Nov 2021 at Amuria District, Eastern Uganda in order to use behavioral interventions to promote adoption of improved sweetpotato varieties.

  • Map of Amuria district showing spatial distribution of respondents. View map

System Analyzed RESULTS

  1. Respondent Characteristics and access to information   
  2. Sweetpotato Production and access to planting materials   
  3. Nostalgia and loss aversion   
  4. Village Information

Additional Information (requires login):

  1. Download complete files and raw datasets (STATA, SPSS, Excel, CSV, SASS), Pictures, Audio recordings, Questionnaire, Codebooks and Reports.
  2. Detailed information on Data Collectors (enumerators) and data submissions

Map of Uganda showing Amuria District