Surveys Conducted by MOOD TECHNOLOGIES

Year Country Client Title Description
2024-Aug Solomon Islands and Vanuatu The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, World Vision and IFAD MERMAID- Melanesia Rural Market & Innovation Driven Programme Endline Study MERMAID Endline study to determine the agricultural production, market participation, food access, consumption practices and impact of project activities in Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. View Data
2024-Jul Uganda The Seed Equal Initiative A full profiling of VPC Seed Actors and Ware Producers (farmers) A project implemented under the Seed Equal Initiative of the CGIAR in order to profile VPC Seed Actors and Ware Producers handling five major crops i.e. Sweetpotato, Cassava, Potato, Banana and Yams. View Data
2024-Jun Burundi TAAT A study conducted by CGIAR centers in Burundi to understand the processes and costs involved in conducting value addition activities for OFSP A study conducted by CGIAR centers in 2024 in Burundi & Uganda with aim of understanding the processes and costs involved in conducting value addition activities for Orange Fleshed Sweetpotato (OFSP) towards increased utilization and for income generation. During the study, data collectors observed and recorded the processes carried out by OFSP processors i.e. from the start of the processing activity up to the end. The processors were also asked questions regarding the product marketing. Randomly selected consumers were tasked to test the OFSP products and a similar non-OFSP product and provided scores for characteristics such as appearance, aroma, texture, taste, etc. View Data
2024-Jun Mozambique International Potato Center (CIP) A study on the G+ Foods Product Profile tool which assesses the potential gender impact for RTB crop and food product related characteristics to inform what is included and prioritised in the sweetpot A study conducted in June 2024 at Maputo, Mozambique by International Potato Center (CIP) to consolidate application of gender responsive breeding tools (G+ Tools). The matrix scores were based on experiences of study participants which consisted of a mixture of sweetpotato producers, sweetpotato traders, vine multipliers, processors, breeders, agronomists, social scientists and food scientists. View Data
2024-May Uganda UCU, UNFFE, Farm Gain and SYOVA An Endline study on Enhancing inclusive market access for African Indigenous Vegetable seed and value-added products by smallholder farmers in Uganda (AIRTEA). A collaborative Endline study by Uganda Christian University, UNFFE, Farm Gain and SYOVA under AIRTEA project conducted in 2024 (May-July) in Central and Eastern Uganda in order to; 1. Build capacity in contractual production (Seed and value-added products) as a business, 2. Adapt and validate an inclusive management information system for enhanced market access. 3. Enhance a competitive edge for small scale producers in AIV value chain. 4. Disseminate knowledge on production of AIVs as a business. View Data
2024-Feb Uganda UCU- NetIVA Project (Phase II) Incidence and severity of major diseases of African eggplant across major ecological zones in Uganda (Phase II). A follow-up study conducted in 2024 (Jan-Mar) in order to assess the incidence and severity of diseases affecting African Eggplants within major ecological zones in Uganda. The study also investigates the relationship between disease severity and plant nutrient status in order to optimize crop health and productivity. View Data
2024-Feb Uganda Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT Bio-efficacy of carotenoids in provitamin A-rich banana-based diets among school-going children aged 6-14 years. A study conducted within 2023-2024 by The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT to determine the bio-efficacy of carotenoids in provitamin A-rich banana-based diets and their potential in improving the vitamin A body stores among school-going children aged 6-14years in Bukedi sub-region, Uganda living in an area with a high burden of inflammation. View Data
2023-Nov Uganda MAAIF (Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries of Uganda) An Impact Evaluation study on Multi-Sectoral Food Security and Nutrition in 11 districts in Uganda An Impact Evaluation study conducted in November 2023 by the Uganda Ministries of Agriculture, Education and Health on Multi-Sectoral Food Security and Nutrition in 11 districts in Uganda View Data
2023-Nov Uganda CGIAR, CIP, Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT A study to assess the important VPCs and key decision makers in households on seed sourcing, production and sales A study conducted in November 2023 in Uganda in order to assess the most important VPCs and key decision makers in the household on seed sourcing, production, and sales View Data
2023-Nov Uganda UCU- NetIVA Project (Phase I) Incidence and severity of major diseases of African eggplant across major ecological zones in Uganda (Phase I). A study conducted in 2023 (Oct-Nov) in order to assess the incidence and severity of diseases affecting African Eggplants within major ecological zones in Uganda. The study also investigates the relationship between disease severity and plant nutrient status in order to optimize crop health and productivity. View Data
2023-Aug Uganda FAO and MAAIF SSC3 Baseline study on technologies for Hybrid Rice, Foxtail Millet, Dairy Cows, Big Ear Goats, Biogas, Poultry and Aquaculture A baseline study conducted in August 2023 by FAO (The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) and MAAIF (Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries of Uganda) in Central, Eastern, Northern and Western Uganda as part of technical assistance under the South-South Cooperation with the People's Republic of China in Support of the Agricultural Sector Strategic Plan in the Republic of Uganda (Phase 3) focusing on technologies for Hybrid Rice, Foxtail Millet, Dairy Cows, Big Ear Goats, Biogas, Poultry and Aquaculture. View Data
2023-Jul Uganda OCA Uganda StepUp6 Baseline Study in Alebtong District, 2023 A baseline Study conducted in 2023 in order to introduce a programme named StepUp006 to respond to the needs of members of Akura Subcounty, Alebtong District in Northern Uganda which was to be used to provide information for monitoring and evaluation of OCA interventions and establish project indicators and desired Output, Outcome and Impact. The target of the project is to improve Village Savings and Credit Scheme, home sanitations, housing status, Good Agronomic Practices, kitchen gardening and livestock. View Data
2023-Jul Uganda OXFAM Biogas Production and Utilisation in Refugee Community A study conducted in July 2023 to evaluate the technical and socio- economic viability of biogas production and utilization in Nakivale refugee and its hosting communities in Isingiro District located in South Western Uganda View Data
2023-Jan Kenya DDBIO, WFP DDBIO Project Evaluation on HBT and Nutrition in Kenya An evaluation study conducted in Jan 2023 in Kenya by DDBIO & WFP (World Food Programme) on use of Healthy Baby Tool Kit (HBT) and Nutrition Education in the Counties of Makueni, Garissa and Tana River View Data
2022-Sep Uganda WFP, CIP, AFI Karamoja OFSP Crop-Cut Study of Households and Schools A Crop-Cut study conducted in Sep 2022 on Orange Fleshed Sweetpotato (OFSP) in Karamoja District of Uganda in order to understand the performance of the varieties in terms of yield and related parameters with the aim of improving food security situation, to reduce malnutrition and planning of feeding interventions in schools and communities in the Karamoja sub-region. View Data
2022-Sep Uganda UCU, UNFFE, FARMGAIN AND ASARECA African Indigenous Vegetable Farmers Baseline Study A study conducted within Jul-Sep 2022 on enhancing inclusive market access for African Indigenous Vegetable (AIV) seed and value-added products by smallholder farmers in Central and Eastern Uganda (AIRTEA) in order to 1. build capacity in contractual production (Seed and value-added products) as a business, 2. adapt and validate an inclusive management information system for enhanced market access, 3. to enhance a competitive edge for small scale producers in AIV value chain, 4. to disseminate knowledge on production of AIVs as a business. View Data
2022-Aug Uganda UCU AND NEU-ULM GERMANY Off-Grid Solar Systems for Islands in Uganda A baseline study on energy needs for households and businesses titled 'Application of Off-Grid Solar Systems for Education and Training on Islands in Lake Victoria in Uganda' conducted by Uganda Christian University (UCU) and University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm, Neu-Ulm (Germany). View Data
2022-Aug Uganda UCU AND NEU-ULM GERMANY Digital Learning Systems for Islands in Uganda A baseline study on Digital Learning System for Schools titled 'Application of Off-Grid Solar Systems for Education and Training on Koome Islands in Lake Victoria in Uganda' conducted by Uganda Christian University (UCU) and University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm, Neu-Ulm (Germany). View Data
2022-Jul Uganda OCA Uganda StepUp5 Annual Assessment 2022 An Annual Assessment of StepUp5 Programme to review progress of the project in Akura Subcounty, Alebtong District in Northern Uganda. The target of StepUp005 programme is to improve Village Savings and Credit Scheme, home sanitations, housing status, Good Agronomic Practices, kitchen gardening and livestock. View Data
2022-Jul Uganda UCU, UNFFE, FARMGAIN AND ASARECA African Indigenous Vegetable Traders Baseline Study A study conducted within Jul-Sep 2022 on enhancing inclusive market access for African Indigenous Vegetable (AIV) and value-added products by traders in Central Uganda in order to adapt and validate an inclusive management information system for enhanced market access. View Data
2022-May Uganda CARITAS-NEBBI Food and Economic Security in WestNile A study conducted in May 2022 in Nebbi District, Uganda which aimed at getting a better understanding of the prevailing situation in regard to Food and Economic Security in WestNile Region of Uganda View Data
2022-Jan Uganda CIP Sweetpotato Breeding Traits. G+ Product Profile, Kampala Uganda A study conducted to consolidate application of gender responsive breeding tools (G+ Tools) for Sweetpotato breeding View Data
2022-Jan Uganda CIP Potato Breeding Traits. G+ Product Profile, Kampala Uganda A study conducted to consolidate application of gender responsive breeding tools (G+ Tools) for Potato breeding View Data
2021-Dec Solomon Islands The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT Melanesia Rural Market & Innovation Driven Programme MERMAID baseline study to determine the current agricultural production, market participation food access and consumption practices to inform project implementation View Data
2021-Dec Vanuatu The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT Melanesia Rural Market & Innovation Driven Programme MERMAID baseline study to determine the current agricultural production, market participation food access and consumption practices to inform project implementation View Data
2021-Nov Uganda CIP TAAT Impact Evaluation TAAT Project evaluation study conducted in Uganda, Malawi, Mozambique and Nigeria in forms of FGD (Focus Groups Discussions) and Partners/ Key Informants interviews. The study was conducted in order to find out the way OFSP (Orange Fleshed Sweetpotato) and its associated technologies like HBT (Healthy Baby Tool kit) and Nutrition trainings were spread in the targeted communities in the different countries. View Data
2021-Nov Uganda The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT NOURICITY Endline An endline research carried out in Kampala in order to improve the nutrition of the urban population of Uganda View Data
2021-Nov Uganda CIP Amuria Sweetpotato Behavior Intervention A study conducted in Amuria District in order to use behavioral interventions to promote adoption of improved sweetpotato varieties View Data
2021-Nov Uganda Kilimo Trust Barley Farming Household Follow-up A follow-up study (Oct-Nov 2021) with barley farming households in order to understand the farming systems, barley sales, use of inputs, labor use and costs, intercropping, barley financing and Resiliency of the households View Data
2021-Nov Uganda CIP Gender Matrix and Scores for sweetpotato Traits, Entebbe Uganda A gender gap study of scores of traits related to Pests and Disease Tolerance, Dry matter preferences, tuber yield, shelf life and earliness in Roots and Tuber Crops. Study covered a group of Farmers, Consumers, Retailers who scored trait characteristics in terms of drudgery, displacement of women's productivity activities, input controls, production control, by-products, negative traits (men/women), harm level, income generation, trait preference (men/women) in various regions of Uganda. View Data
2021-Oct Bangladesh Bangladesh Agriculture University (BAU), and CIP Effect of COVID-19 on Potato Processors Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on Potato Processors in Bangladesh. The study covered scale of operations, Labor use, Procurements, Sales and Marketing, adaptation strategies, and general household welfare. The study was conducted in the districts of Dinajpur, Rangpur, Nilphamari, Bogura, Munshiganj, Jessore, Khulna, Satkhira, Faridpur, Chittagong of Bangladesh View Data
2021-Oct Kenya CIP Gender Matrix and Scores for sweetpotato Traits, Nairobi Kenya A gender gap study of scores of traits related to Pests and Disease Tolerance, Dry matter preferences, tuber yield, shelf life and earliness in Roots and Tuber Crops. Study covered a group of Farmers, Consumers, Retailers who scored trait characteristics in terms of drudgery, displacement of women's productivity activities, input controls, production control, by-products, negative traits (men/women), harm level, income generation, trait preference (men/women) in various regions of Kenya. View Data
2021-Sep Mozambique CIP Processor Diagnostics and Consumer Testing of Boiled Sweetpotato A study of Sweetpotato preparation methods by local processors considering preparations before cooking, measurements of water usage, boiling temperature, duration of cooking, weight losses in preparation as well as to find traits preferred by consumers of Boiled/Steamed Potato in Maputo City, Manhiça and Marracuene districts of Mozambique View Data
2021-Sep Bangladesh Bangladesh Agriculture University (BAU), and CIP COVID-19 Effects on Potato Seed Producers Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on Potato Seed Producers in Bangladesh. The study covered scale of operations, Labor use, Procurements, Sales and Marketing, adaptation strategies, and general household welfare. The study was conducted in the districts of Dinajpur, Rangpur, Nilphamari, Bogura, Munshiganj, Jessore, Khulna, Satkhira, Faridpur, Chittagong of Bangladesh View Data
2021-Aug Bangladesh Bangladesh Agriculture University (BAU), and CIP COVID-19 Effects on Potato Farmers Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on Potato Farmers in 12 districts of Bangladesh. The study covered scale of operations, purchase of inputs, access to credits, sales and marketing of products, Farmers adaptation strategies, and general household welfare. The study was conducted in the districts of Dinajpur, Rangpur, Nilphamari, Bogura, Munshiganj, Jessore, Khulna, Satkhira, Faridpur, Chittagong of Bangladesh View Data
2021-Aug Bangladesh Bangladesh Agriculture University (BAU), and CIP COVID-19 Effects on Potato Traders Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on Potato Traders in Bangladesh. The study covered scale of operations, Labor use, Procurements, Sales and Marketing, adaptation strategies, and general household welfare. The study was conducted in the districts of Dinajpur, Rangpur, Nilphamari, Bogura, Munshiganj, Jessore, Khulna, Satkhira, Faridpur, Chittagong of Bangladesh View Data
2021-Aug Bangladesh Bangladesh Agriculture University (BAU), and CIP COVID-19 Effects on Cold Storage of Potato Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on Cold Storage of Potato in Bangladesh. The study covered scale of operations, Labor use, Procurements, Sales and Marketing, adaptation strategies, and general household welfare. The study was conducted in the districts of Dinajpur, Rangpur, Nilphamari, Bogura, Munshiganj, Jessore, Khulna, Satkhira, Faridpur, Chittagong of Bangladesh View Data
2021-Mar Uganda RUFORUM and ICOPSEA East Africa Certified Seeds uptake among Smallholder Farmers A study to determine what influences the uptake, production cycle, buying and selling of Certified Seeds by Farmers and other actors in Northern and Central regions of Uganda. A number of crops were considered but majoring on Sweetpotato. View Data
2021-Feb Uganda OCA Uganda StepUp005 Baseline Study, Lira A baseline Study conducted in order to introduce a programme named StepUp005 to respond to the needs of members of Akura Subcounty, Alebtong District in Northern Uganda which was to be used to provide information for monitoring and evaluation of OCA interventions and establish project indicators and desired Output, Outcome and Impact. The target of the project is to improve Village Savings and Credit Scheme, home sanitations, housing status, Good Agronomic Practices, kitchen gardening and livestock. View Data
2020-Dec Bangladesh Bangladesh Agriculture University (BAU), and CIP Endline study for Adoption and Impact of Salt Tolerant Potato and Sweetpotato Varieties in Bangladesh An Endline study conducted in Khulna and Satkhira Districts of Bangladesh (Dec2020- Jan2021) on salt tolerant potato and sweetpotato as part of a project that aims to increase the potato and sweetpotato yield in the salt prone areas of Bangladesh View Data
2020-Dec Uganda CIP Adoption of Triple-S Technology A study to assess factors which motivate farmers to adopt the Triple-S Technology in Sweetpotato Production. Study coverage: Northern Region of Uganda View Data
2020-Dec Uganda CIP Consumer Testing of Boiled and Fried Sweetpotato A study to find sweetpotato traits preferred by consumers of Boiled and Fried Sweetpotato in Central, South Western and Northern Uganda View Data
2020-Dec Malawi NRI Dual-Cassava Follow-up Evaluation in Malawi A household Follow-up study to build resilience and increase agricultural productivity by introducing drought tolerant cassava cultivation in Malawi View Data
2020-Nov Uganda Makerere University and CIP Vine Silage production and Utilization in smallholder dairy production system The study to assess perceptions of smallholder dairy farmers about use of Sweetpotato vines silage in feeding lactating crossbred dairy cows in Central and Eastern Regions of Uganda. View Data
2020-Nov Uganda CIP DDBIO Baseline Uganda An baseline study on sweetpotato growing households in Northern and Eastern Uganda to; determine the status of Orange-Fleshed Sweetpotato (OFSP) production and utilization, determine nutrition status and welfare of households, assess level of farmers’ willingness to adopt OFSP, recommend strategies to increase adoption, consumption of OFSP and improvement of nutritional status of individuals and households in project areas. View Data
2020-Sep Tanzania NRI Dual-Cassava Follow-up Evaluation in Tanzania A household follow-up study to build resilience and increase agricultural productivity by introducing drought tolerant cassava cultivation in Tanzania View Data
2020-Aug Kenya Kilimo Trust Coffee Farming, Processing and Marketing in Kenya A study conducted in Kenya on Coffee Systems in order to understand production systems and costs of production including inputs, regenerative agriculture, co-operative involvement, market supply-chain, processors, aggregators, and effects of COVID19 on Coffee. The study involved interviews of farming Households, FGD, Key Informants, Processors and Traders. View Data
2020-Aug Uganda Kilimo Trust Coffee Farming, Processing and Marketing in Uganda A study conducted in Uganda on Coffee Systems in order to understand production systems and costs of production including inputs, regenerative agriculture, co-operative involvement, market supply-chain, processors, aggregators, and effects of COVID19 on Coffee. The study involved interviews of farming Households, FGD, Key Informants, Processors and Traders. View Data
2020-Jul Uganda Makerere University COVID-19 Effects on Market Vendors The Gendered Impact study of COVID-19 Guidelines on Market Vendors of Perishable goods in Urban and Peri-Urban areas of Uganda. View Data
2020-May Uganda KilimoTrust Karamoja Food Supplements COHORT Assessing impact and usage of Food Supplements and CSB++ to mothers in Karamoja Region View Data
2020-Mar Uganda EU through (IITA, Bioversity, KilimoTrust, VEDCO, Rikolto and ECUREI) EU Baseline Survey for Development Initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) A European Union (EU) funded Baseline Study seeking to enhance food and nutrition security, increase household incomes and improve maternal and child nutrition and health in Northern Uganda by promoting diversified food (and animal) production of resilient varieties; commercialising agriculture; improving post-harvest handling, food preparation and consumption practices; and encouraging family planning for improved and sustainable livelihoods. The study targeted 7 Districts in Uganda (5 Districts from Lango Subregion, and 2 Districts from Teso Subregion) View Data
2019-Dec Mozambique CIP Individual Sweetpotato Farmer Interview in Mozambique A Gender in sweetpotato breeding study conducted in Maputo Province of Mozambique to find out characteristics that farmers most prefer in different Sweetpotato Varieties for both production and consumption View Data
2019-Dec Mozambique CIP Sweetpotato Restaurants and Food Vendors in Mozambique A gender in sweetpotato study conducted in Maputo Province of Mozambique to find out characteristics most preferred in different sweetpotato varieties by customers who ate Sweetpotato from Restaurants and Food Vendors as well as major Drivers of change in Sweetpotato Food Vending. View Data
2019-Dec Mozambique CIP Sweetpotato Traders Survey in Mozambique A gender in sweetpotato breeding study conducted in Maputo Province of Mozambique to find out characteristics most preferred in different sweetpotato varieties by Traders and Distributors as well as major Drivers of change in Potato trading. View Data
2019-Nov Uganda OCA Uganda Factors affecting Livelihood of Subsistence Farmers A study to understand facters affecting the Livelihood of the Rural Subsistence Farming Households in Northern Uganda including effect of Alcohol consumption, Idleness and Climate Change. View Data
2019-Oct Malawi Malawi Ministry of Agriculture and Water Development Diversity Study on Minor Roots and Tubers (MRTC) in Malawi An eco-geographic survey and diversity study for the four most grown Minor Roots and Tuber Crops (MRTC) of Cocoyam, Ground yam, Air Yam and Livingstone Yam and to conduct gap-filling collections for these MRTC in Malawi View Data
2019-Sep Malawi CIP Malawi Crop-cut study in Malawi A study conducted to estimate the yield of Roots and Tuber Crops (RTC) in Malawi through Crop-Cut at farmers fields and to formulate protocols that provides suitable estimates of area of production of Potato, effects of fertilizer/manure usage and average weight of Potato Roots produced. View Data
2019-Sep Malawi CIP & Malawi Government Annual Assessment of Roots and Tuber Crops for Agricultural Transformation in Malawi (RTC-ACTION) Annual Assessment RTC-ACTION study conducted to understand and increase the contributions of root and tuber crops (RTC) to food security, nutrition, and incomes in Malawi by harnessing advances in RTC research and development and scale them up through potato, sweetpotato, and cassava value chains in order to meet the demand by farmers, consumers, processors, and traders in Malawi View Data
2019-Sep Uganda CIP Consumer Testing of Boiled/Steamed Potato A study to find Potato traits preferred by consumers of Boiled/Steamed Potato in Central, Northern and South Western Uganda View Data
2019-Jul Uganda CIP Individual Potato Farmer Interview in Uganda A study conducted in Central and South Western Uganda to find out characteristics that farmers most prefer in different Potato Varieties for both production and consumption View Data
2019-Jul Uganda CIP Potato Restaurants and Food Vendors in Uganda A gender based study conducted in Central and South Western Uganda to find out characteristics most preferred in different potato varieties by customers who ate Potato from Restaurants and Food Vendors as well as major Drivers of change in Potato Food Vending. View Data
2019-Jul Uganda CIP Potato Traders Survey in Uganda A gender based study conducted in Central and South Western Uganda to find out characteristics most preferred in different potato varieties by Traders and Distributors as well as major Drivers of change in Potato trading. View Data
2019-May Malawi CIP Malawi Adoption and Effects of Improved Sweetpotato Varieties in Malawi A country-wide study conducted about farmers adoption and utilization of orange-fleshed sweetpotato and its effects on household welfare in Malawi View Data
2019-May Malawi CIP Malawi Market Survey on Adoption of Improved Sweetpotato Varieties in Malawi A country-wide study conducted to find out the marketability of orange-fleshed sweetpotato as compared to other food crops and cash crops in Malawi View Data
2019-May Malawi CIP Malawi Village level Adoption and Effects of Improved Sweetpotato Varieties in Malawi A country-wide Village Level study conducted with Community Leaders about adoption and utilization of orange-fleshed sweetpotato and its effects in Malawi View Data
2019-May Uganda World Vegetable Center and UCU Mukono African Eggplant Production and Utilisation A study to understand opportunities and challenges associated with African eggplant production and utilization in Central and Eastern Uganda in order to provide real solutions for smallholder farmers in Africa. Targeted species were Nakati, Ntula and Katunkuma View Data
2019-Jan Uganda CIP Ambient ware Potato storage Practices by Farmers A survey to study the current practices of ambient ware potato storage by farmers in Eastern and South Western Uganda View Data
2019-Jan Uganda CIP Ambient ware Potato storage Practices by Traders A survey to study the current practices of ambient ware potato storage by potato traders in Eastern, South Western and Central Uganda View Data
2018-Dec Bangladesh Bangladesh Agriculture University (BAU), and CIP Baseline Study for Adoption and Impact of Salt Tolerant Potato and Sweetpotato Varieties in Bangladesh A study conducted in Khulna and Satkhira Districts of Bangladesh (Nov-Dec 2018) on salt tolerant potato and sweetpotato as part of a project that aims to increase the potato and sweetpotato yield in the salt prone areas of Bangladesh View Data
2018-Nov Malawi NRI Dual-Cassava Baseline Evaluation in Malawi A household baseline study to build resilience and increase agricultural productivity by introducing drought tolerant cassava cultivation in Malawi View Data
2018-Nov Tanzania NRI Dual-Cassava Baseline Evaluation in Tanzania A household baseline study to build resilience and increase agricultural productivity by introducing drought tolerant cassava cultivation in Tanzania View Data
2018-Nov Uganda CIP Consumer Testing of Boiled and Fried Sweetpotato A study conducted in form of Consumer testing to find sweetpotato traits preferred by consumers of Boiled and Fried Sweetpotato in Central and Northern Uganda View Data
2018-Nov Uganda CIP Individual Interview with Community Members A study conducted in form of Individual Interview of Community Members (IDI) to find out traits preferred by sweetpotato farmers in Central and Northern Uganda. Respondents were selected from Individual Sweetpotato Processors who grew and processed sweetpotato into other products which were consumed regularly in the same local communities. View Data
2018-Oct India CIP APART Potato Value Chain A household baseline survey under the APART potato value chain program to improve farmers' livelihoods through sustainable intensification and diversification of agri-food systems with climate-smart potato technologies in order to understand and improve the potato value chain in Assam State of India View Data
2018-Oct Uganda Uganda Management Institute (UMI) Citizen engagement and performance A research to generate data and information on citizen engagement and performance of Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority in Northern, Eastern, Central and Western Uganda View Data
2018-Aug Uganda Government of Uganda ATAAS ICRR End of Project Assessment A country-wide study to learn about the achievements of the ATAAS project during the implementation period (2011-2017) View Data
2018-Apr Uganda NARO, HOPE, FRA and CIP OFSP Mapping A study to understand the level of production for sweetpotatoes roots and vines, determine whether farmers have surplus production of roots and vines, document current markets, challenges faced by traders and how they are handled, understand how bakeries can utilize sweetpotato puree as a replacement for cereal-based ingredients and how utilization of OFSP can be increased in Eastern, Central and Western Uganda. View Data
2018-Mar Uganda NRI, CIP and NARO Nutri-PH Loss A study to validate post-harvest losses that occur along various nodes of the sweetpotato and maize value chains in Northern and Central Uganda View Data
2018-Feb Uganda OCA Uganda Subsistence Farming in Northern Uganda A survey to examine the extent to which farming methods affect livelihood of the rural subsistence farming households in Northern Uganda. View Data
2017-Sep Uganda Government of Uganda Establishing status of ATAAS prior to Restructuring A country-wide study in Uganda on NAADS program under a project named ATAAS to assess the success and failures in implementation of NAADS in order to restructure it to benefit farmers in Uganda View Data
2016-Nov Tanzania CIP Market Survey of Traders, Distributors and Consumers A study conducted in Iringa, Mbeya and Morogoro regions of Tanzania to understand the trends in Marketing and Consumption of Sweetpotato. View Data
2016-Nov Uganda CIP Silage Consumer A survey of customers of Sweetpotato Based Silage in Eastern and Central Uganda. View Data
2016-Nov Uganda CIP Silage Entrepreneur A survey to understand the preparation and commercialisation of Sweetpotato Based Silage Production in Eastern and Central Uganda View Data
2016-Oct Uganda CIP Role of Women in Pest and Disease Management A study to assess the extent to which women in Eastern and South Western Uganda Play a role in Pest and Disease Management in Potato and Sweetpotato. View Data
2016-Aug Uganda CIP Willingness to Pay for Silage A study to assess the willingness of farmers to pay for Sweetpotato Silage to use as Pig Feeds in Eastern and Central Uganda View Data
2016-Mar Uganda CIP Cassava Gender Baseline Study A gender baseline study to understand processing and marketing of cassava among households in Western Uganda. View Data
2016-Mar Uganda CIP Sweetpotato Gender Baseline Study A gender baseline study to understand the Utilization of Sweetpotato as Animal Feed among households in order to reduce post-harvest loses in Eastern, Central and Western Uganda. View Data
2015-May Uganda CIP Potato and Banana Gender Baseline Study A gender baseline study to understand the Utilization and Marketing of Potato and Bananas among households in order to reduce post-harvest loses in Eastern, Central and Western Uganda. View Data
2013-Dec Uganda OCA Uganda Effects of Farming Methods on Households in Northern Uganda A study conducted in Northern Uganda to assess the effect of farming methods on crop yield, household income and livelihood. View Data
2013-Jan Uganda NaCRRI Uganda Soil Fertility and Palatability Test and Analysis A survey conducted to study the status and management of soil fertility in lowland rice growing areas and to document organic and inorganic fertilizers used by farmers in rice farms in eastern and northern Uganda View Data
2012-Sep Uganda George August University, Germany Global Food challenges in Coffee Production A study conducted in Central Uganda in order to find out trend and challenges of Coffee Production by coffee farmers as well as marketing challenges, and general incomes, and Dietary Diversity of the coffee farmers. View Data